Isosource® Protein - complete, high protein formula for patients requiring short - term nutrition and / or dietary fiber contraindication
Formulas adapted to the latest recommendations on cardiovascular health with contributions of EPA and DHA
MCT contribution optimized to promote digestibility, absorption and metabolism of fats
Excellent tolerance
Isosource® Protein Fibre for its blend of fibers IS50® favoring patient comfort (facilitates the regulation of intestinal transit)
SmartFlexTM container: Safety and comfort for professionals, patients and caregivers with the packaging market considered the best product for users of enteral tube feeding
Dietary treatment of patients who attend or are at risk of malnutrition with metabolic stress, protein requirements increased or decreased protein intake requiring enteral nutrition tube.
Mechanical swallowing disorders or traffic coursing with aphagia or severe dysphagia
Head and neck tumors, gastrointestinal
maxillofacial surgery and otolaryngology
neuromotor disorders that prevent swallowing or transit and require probe
severe degenerative processes of the central nervous system, cerebrovascular accident
Special requirements of energy and / or nutrients
malnourished patients who are to undergo major surgery scheduled
or transplants, patients with burns, multiple trauma, critical
Patients with sarcopenia linked to aging
Patients with pressure ulcers
clinical situations with severe malnutrition
Cachexia chronic enteritis cancer treatment with chemoradiotherapy
As exclusive diet 1500-2000 ml and as a complementary diet ≥500ml depending on the nutritional needs of the patient.