It protects us from oxidative damage and strengthens the immune system.
Gold Specifics is part of Solgar Gold Specifics premium range of natural formulas created to support specific functions in the body based on nutritional science.
Selenium is a key mineral that can be found naturally in soil. It is a vital mineral, supporting the immune system and protecting cells from oxidative stress caused by free radicals, similar to lycopene. It also contributes to normal spermatogenesis.
Zinc is a vital nutrient for many functions in the body. It promotes healthy skin, hair and nails and supports normal taste and vision and exerts antioxidant activity, protects against oxidative stress and can support a healthy immune system.
It also has properties that are useful for male health, including contributing to the maintenance of normal testosterone levels in the blood.
Pectin is a carbohydrate extracted from fruits, vegetables, and seeds. It is a food stabilizer or thickening agent. Citrus fruits contain the most of this natural fiber.
Nettle leaf extract is derived from nettle (Urtica dioica), a flowering plant that grows worldwide, originating in Europe and Asia.
It is best known for the stabbing reaction that follows when the skin comes into contact with stabbing hairs on its leaves and stems. For centuries, this plant has been used for medicinal purposes, and most products are made from stems and leaves.
Pumpkin seeds have been used for centuries by Native Americans before spreading to Europe.
Soya germ comes from soya. It has been used for many different purposes as it contains isoflavones.
Saw palmetto is a fan palm native to the West Indies and the southeastern coast of the United States, as it grows mainly in warm climates. It grows like a tree with dark purple berries.
The benefits of the extract taken from berries have been used for centuries in traditional and alternative medicine, as its ingredients include fatty acids, plant sterols and flavonoids. Saw palmetto is a rich source of phytochemicals.
Lycopene is a bright red carotene and can be found in most red fruits and vegetables.
A special blend of beta-carotene powder and ascorbic acid (PhytO2X) has been added to this formula to maintain the freshness of the ingredients.
How to use:
It should be taken as 2 vegetarian capsules a day.
Results may vary from person to person. Customer reviews are independent and do not represent the views of Carethy.
It protects us from oxidative damage and strengthens the immune system.
I have been indicated for the health of the prostate, I'm doing very well.
This product goes very well for the balance of the prostate.
good support for the healthy prostata
Producto natural satisfactorio.
Ich nehme diese Kapseln, weil sie helfen, die Zellen vor oxidativen Schäden zu schützen.
É um bom anti-inflamatório para a próstata, é o melhor este produto.
Excellente formule de phytonutriments, ce qui est bénéfique pour mon corps.
Fomenta la fertilidad masculina, me es un estupendo producto.
Lo tomo por que mejora el estado general de la próstata.
Inibe o crescimento da próstata, funciona muito bem para mim.
Buon prodotto, buon servizio l'ho riacquistato, mi piace.
Es un maravilloso producto para beneficiar el sistema inmune.
Ce produit me donne beaucoup d'avantages sur la glande prostatique.
È un antiossidante specificamente indicato per la prostata.
Fördert die Gesundheit der Haut und pflegt gleichzeitig das Sehvermögen.
Regula o excesso de hormonas masculinas na próstata.
Cette combinaison de minéraux convient très bien à l'organisme.
Prendo due capsule al giorno con il cibo, faccio molto bene, mi sento bene.
Me lo han indicado para mi prostatis infecciosa, buen precio.
Diese Kapseln wirken auch sehr gut zur Stärkung des Immunsystems.
Me cae muy mal en el estomago, me da dolor de estomago